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GrierTV Shares News, Builds Broadcast Experience

Grier audiences have been enjoying weekly doses of GrierTV, the student-produced news that airs every Friday morning during assembly. This newscast is produced by members of AV Club and Video Production class.

Students collect footage throughout the week, using camcorders, microphones, and greenscreens. Then, with the help of their teacher Mr. Beckel, they edit and assemble footage in FinalCut Pro. GrierTV is an excellent opportunity for these students to work together as a crew, increase their  public speaking techniques, and strengthen their technical production and editing skills. On top of all that, it’s a fantastic way for everyone at Grier to see and hear what is happening around the school!
The video here showcases highlights from a variety of segments from last Friday’s GrierTV newscast, including Morning Announcements, Food Forecast, the Woman of the Week, Lunar New Years Greetings, the Senior Segment, and scenes from the Western Riding Show.

We can’t wait to see what GrierTV has to share with us this Friday!

Learn more about Clubs and Organizations at Grier.

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Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177