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Grier Hosts Red Cross Blood Drive

By donating blood, one person can help save hundreds of lives, which is why blood drives are such an important part of the American Red Cross’s mission. Grier has been partnering with the organization and hosting a blood drive for over ten years. The annual Grier Blood Drive is a great way for students to contribute to life-saving efforts. Even students who are not eligible to donate due to age, nationality, or other restrictions can participate in the event by volunteering.
Currently, Mrs. Danielle Kelley of Grier’s Math department coordinates the event. She and her team of 27 student volunteers made the event a success. In weeks prior to the event, Mrs. Kelley and her team distributed information and parental consent forms for underage donors, scheduled donors, and promoted the event throughout the school. The day of the drive, the team began setting up bright and early at 7:30am. The drive ran throughout the day, with students helping out during free periods until clean-up around 1:00pm. Student volunteers also operated a sign-in table, while another group assisted donors as they recovered , offering them a snack and a drink.

For this event, Grier fell just short of our goal of 18 units of blood, though 21 individuals registered for the event. The common cold, low iron levels, and high pulse rates prevented some potential donors from giving blood this time around, but the Red Cross encourages them to try again! Each pint collected has the potential to save up to three lives! Since the human body replenishes the blood supply, healthy donors can give blood every eight weeks, which could save about 18 lives every year!

We’re grateful for our volunteers and donors!

Learn more about Community Service at Grier.

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Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177