Writer Gabriel Welsch Hosts Poetry Workshop

Students welcomed Gabriel Welsch to Grier Sunday afternoon where he led a poetry workshop at the campus Coffee Barn. Grier AP English teacher and English Department Chair Ms. Kara Lawler organized the free event and encouraged students to attend, suggesting the workshop would be a great break from essay-writing or a bout of writer’s block.
Mr. Welsch is the Vice President of Strategic Communications and Marketing at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Utilizing the knowledge gained from both a BA and MFA in English, as well as, years of writing experience, Mr. Welsch is an accomplished author and instructor of writing. Along with many short stories and essays, his books of poetry include The Death of Flying Things, The Four Horsepersons of a Disappointing Apocalypse, Dirt and All It’s Dense Labor. Mr. Welsch is familiar with Grier because his daughter is a current student!

It was an honor and privilege to welcome Mr. Welsch to Grier and the students are very grateful for the insight and inspiration he was able to offer them.

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Photo credit: K.Lawler
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