New Alumnae Bulletin Coming Soon!

Attention all Grier alumnae, the latest issue of the Grier Alumnae Bulletin is on its way to you! This issue includes updates from alumnae worldwide, special photospreads of the 2017 Commencement Ceremony and the 2017 all-class reunion. The bulletin also features photos and descriptions the newest additions to Grier's facilities and the latest updates on Grier alumnae, faculty, and retirees. This year’s issue also includes a tribute to the late scenic designer Helen Pond ’42 and shines the spotlight on five incredible alumnae and their most recent achievements.
Users of myGrier can log in right now to see the bulletin, but printed copies will be reaching alumnae mailboxes soon, so keep an eye out for yours!  

The bulletin is a great way to catch up with classmates and teachers. Grier's Alumnae Coordinator loves to hear from former Grier students. If you have a story or a photo to share, please reach out to Beverly Galloway

Learn more about Grier's Alumnae Office and about Giving to Grier.

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Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177