We Love Grier Teachers

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day when we take a moment to recognize the dedication of teachers in our lives, including the awesome teachers at Grier.

As the National Education Association reminds us, "Teachers give us so much. A boost of confidence when we really need one. Extra help when we’re having trouble. A welcoming presence when everything else seems out of control. And though we know we can’t ever thank them enough, we can take a moment during National Teacher Appreciation Week to share our appreciation for the special educators in our lives."
At Grier, girls become emboldened, engaged, and poised for the future. Lemuel Grier, the first in our founding family, conveyed this sentiment best: “Our aim is not to stuff the mind with undigested knowledge from the Text Book, but to train its powers, so that the student may be able to think for herself.” Today, the tradition to develop students’ critical thinking abilities—as well as the other 21st century skills—inspires both our pedagogy and curriculum, which offers classes ranging from college preparatory to Advanced Placement (AP) and in-depth scholarship through electives and advanced offerings. The standards of faculty and instructors are high, as are the levels of concern and support provided to ensure that students experience success.

Thank you, teachers, for all that you do for the #GrierGirls. 

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Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177