Grier Coordinates with Boys Schools

While Grier is an all-girls school, Grier students do have chances to meet and interact with young men. Grier and regional boys’ schools take turns organizing events such as school dances and social mixers so that young women and young men have the chance to meet in person. The schools also work together to coordinate trips to amusement parks, skiing, and shopping malls to give the students a chance to get to know one another.
During the past school year, Grier hosted a 1950s sock-hop themed dance and invited boys from regional schools to join in the dancing, snacks, and socializing. Another time, a bus of Grier girls got dressed up for a semi-formal dance event at one of the boy’s schools. Social nights where the teens can talk and play social games like pool, are popular, too.

Learn more about Weekends at Grier.

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By R.Woolfrey | Photo credit: A.Stem
©2022 Grier School. All Rights Reserved

Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177