Faculty and Staff Prepare for a Great New School Year

While Grier students were enjoying the last days of their summer vacations, the members of Grier’s Faculty and Staff returned to campus to prepare for a new year. In addition to the annual beginning of the year meetings and important trainings, Grier counselors led the faculty and staff in a special training for Opening Weekend.
Along with all the exciting trips and activities planned for Opening Weekend at Grier, the teachers are setting a high energy first impression by bringing their own special talents and interactive games designed to entertain. Following a fun-filled afternoon, advisors will meet with their grades and lead groups in some hilarious team-building games.

It is often said that people learn best by doing, so how better to teach the faculty members the team building games than to have them play! With leadership from the Counseling Team and Ms. Kingera, Grier Faculty members learned several games to play with groups of students. The practice exercise proved that the students are going to have a great time getting to know each other and the welcoming Grier teachers. Thanks to Mrs. Price, Ms. Crago, Ms. Moyer, Mrs. Pepperman, and Ms. Kingera for leading the demonstrations!

Learn more about Faculty and Staff  at Grier.

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Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177