Bullying Prevention and Digital Citizenship Seminar Informs Grier Students

Education and Outreach Specialist Michelle L. Nutter from the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office of Public Engagement visited Grier recently to give a special presentation during. Students across all grades gathered in the Dance Building after lunch to learn from Ms. Nutter who addressed topics relating to bullying prevention and digital citizenship.
Ms. Nutter provided an overview of bullying including the reasons why students bully each other, common types of bullying, and the effects of bullying. She presented some harrowing statistics on how students are affected by bullying; especially, bullying that takes place in online environments. She concluded the bullying discussion by making note of how powerful a by-stander can be in preventing the escalation of bullying by simply stepping in. Ms. Nutter segued into a talk of the potential consequences and legal repercussions of oversharing via social media platforms like Snapchat. Students may perceive these platforms to be innocuous, but all the images are stored on servers, as potential resources for big businesses to analyze consumer trends.
To remind students to choose kindness instead of cruelty and to step in when they observe bullying, Grier students received bracelets from the Attorney General’s Office with the words “Friends Don’t Let Friends Bully.” The Grier Community is thankful for the knowledge and insight shared by Ms. Nutter.
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By R. Woolfrey | Photo credit: R.Woolfrey
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Grier School

2522 Grier School Rd. | P.O. Box 308; Birmingham, PA 16686-0308
Phone: 814-684-3000 | Fax: 814-684-2177