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If Grier holds a special place in your heart or it is important to you to support Grier’s mission of empowering young women, you may be interested in these creative ways to give.
Ways to Give
List of 6 items.
Life Insurance
Consider making Grier a beneficiary to your Life Insurance Policy. Please contact your insurance agent.
Retirement Distributions
The IRS requires that you start taking withdrawals from your qualified retirement accounts (IRA accounts, 401(k)s, 457 plans and other tax-deferred retirement savings plans) once you reach age 70 1/2. This requirement is called a required minimum distribution, or RMD. By chosing to gift these qualified charitable distributions to Grier School, you can reduce your taxable income. Your donation is tax-free.
Real Estate
Appreciated real estate may be donated to the Grier School. This allows the donor to avoid capital gains taxes.
Please consider making a bequest in your will, thereby creating a charitable legacy that is 100% deductible from your taxable estate.
Making a bequest to Grier in your will is an opportunity to honor a loved one, a teacher, a classmate, or a friend. You can designate the money to be used however you choose, i.e. scholarships, equestrian, dance, etc.
Through planned giving in the form of a bequest in your will, you may not need to budget for a gift today, but your family can enjoy the tax benefits later from such a gift. You can feel good, knowing your legacy will benefit future students.
Grier welcomes your gift of appreciated stock. Current market value is not recognized as a capital gain on your donated stock. The appreciated value of the stock is a charitable donation deducted from your federal income tax return as an itemized deduction, thereby avoiding tax on the unrealized capital gains. For help or more information about this excellent way to donate, you can contact Grier School’s broker, Chris Landry at Charles Schwab (1-866-999-1398).
Example of an Appreciated Stock Donation: If you bought a stock in the past for $1,000 and today the current median market value is $10,000, by donating the stock to Grier, we receive a gift of $10,000 and you avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciated value of $9,000.
Please contact Harriet Grier or Lindsey Good to receive instructions for giving stock to the Grier School.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable remainder trusts are one way to give generously to Grier while providing yourself or other named individuals with annual income. These may be established as annuity trusts that pay a fixed dollar amount annually or as unitrusts that pay a fixed percentage annually. Consider how one of these types of accounts might work for you.